United States: All passengers have been urged to look out for any symptoms of the disease following reports of an infection in travelers aboard a flight to Australia.
The contracted case was found in Victoria; he was infected while on a flight with VietJet Air that was received in Brisbane on December 4, Victoria’s Acting Chief Health Officer Christian McGrath said.
More about the news
It is the second case identified in Victoria in December after another traveler returned a positive result in Queensland and had passed through Melbourne Airport while infectious.
Passengers who have been at Melbourne Airport between 9.24 pm and 10.30 pm on December 8 and 5 am and 7.25 am on December 9 are advised to self-isolate and look for signs of the virus.
These may be symptoms such as fever, cough, sore or reddening of the eyes, nasal discharge, and flu-like symptoms, then developing a red bumpy rash.
An infected person visited the Woolworths store at The Links Shopping Centre in Oakleigh South, Friendly Grocer, and Pastry Supreme Bakehouse in Bentleigh East on December 19 between 11.27 am and 12.55 pm.
What more are the experts stating?
People who visit any of the exposure sites at the specified dates and times should check for signs and symptoms.
The measles case emerged following the announcement by Chief Health Officer Clare Looker about the discovery of the poliovirus in wastewater samples in the Melbourne metropolitan area.
The case of the poliovirus type 2 was identified on December 2. We usually relate polio to paralysis or/or death, and it is a highly infectious viral disease.
They are now appealing that it is a case from someone who could have been administered the vaccine.

According to Dr. Looker, “This detection is likely linked to someone who received a live polio vaccine overseas and has continued to shed the virus since arriving in Victoria,’ DailyMail reported.
“The presence of the virus in wastewater poses no risk to Melbourne residents, as the sewage is thoroughly treated,” he added.
An inactivated polio vaccine used in Australia helps to stop the virus from replicating within the human body, and it won’t cause polio and can’t be isolated in the bowel or sewerage.
Infants and anyone who has never had their full course of polio vaccination are most vulnerable if exposed to an infected person, as immunization against polio is the best remedy, said Dr. Looker.
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